MTV Executive Hails Loreen

Is Loreen the new Lady Gaga? According to Aftonbladet, the MTV executive Bruce Gillmer hails Loreen. ‘She has an incredible potential,’ he says to Nöjesbladet.

The only thing that is longer than his title is his list of merits. Bruce Gilmer is the VP for Music, Talent Programming and Events at MTV. One of the most senior staff at the channel. He has participated in creating the success for super stars such as Lady Gaga, Bruno Mars and Justin Bieber.

Enormous Potential

At the moment, Bruce Gillmer is visiting Gothenburg to participate in the event MTV World Stage. He hails Swedish Loreen, who was part of the line-up of yesterday’s free concert.

“We saw her winning the Eurovision. Her name is really hot in Europe, so we we’re immediately attracted to her. We believe that she has an incredible potential to grow,” he says.

He and the rest of the MTV team was planning for the MTV World Stage line-up.

“We were looking for super hot, relevant Swedish artists. Loreen sort of happened at the time we were discussing. Quite suddenly, we just needed to have her there. When nine thousand people show up to see one artist in that way, when she returned from the Eurovision, you know that’s for real,” he says to Nöjesbladet. I reported on the Arlanda airport crowd and the following tribute at Hötorget.

Possible collaboration

Bruce Gillmer believes that the singer has great potential in international success. He’s not excluding a possible collaboration with MTV                       .

“I never want to say that I’m sure as I don’t really know. But if things develop the way that they are now, there’s a great potential in a long and frutitious partnership,” Bruce Gillmer says.

Pushed Lady Gaga

With more than 25 years in the business, Bruce Gillmer knows what he’s talking about. He was responsible for letting Lady Gaga appear on the event “Isle of MTV” at Malta.

“That was when her first album had just been released. Many people were unsure if she would be a successful act in the long run, she sounded like Madonna and some thought she wouldn’t last two weeks. But we invested in her early on,” Gillmer says. Five years later and the rest is history.

Further read the reporting on Loreen’s ‘Euphoria’ success. Her hit was just dethroned from the Swedish download chart by none other than Justin Bieber whose back with ‘All Around the World.’ ‘Euphoria’ currently sits at No.4 on the official Swedish singles chart.

It has still not been decided what arena will host the ESC (Eurovision Song Contest) 2013, according to Aftonbladet. It will take place May 14-18 next year and the other day Gothenburg dropped out. Stockholm/Solna’s attempt in getting the final was also backed up by an opinion piece in SvD.

According to DN, Loreen remains in the UK top 20 and ‘Euphoria’ takes reverse its decline on the official streaming chart.