The Demonstration Transforms Lady Gaga Into Heavy Metal

CHART SPOTLIGHT. We have to admit, WelcheMusic is not into heavy metal. And despite the hype around heavy metal act The Demonstration’sLady Gaga’s cover of “Bad Romance,” the genre is still a bit too rough. As MTV News reports, Lady Gaga has actually given a nod to the North Carolina band and tweeted “Death metal with ice dancing + high fashion you get the Monster Ball” recently. The Demonstration is working on a new album, which is still untitled.


Lady Gaga issued “Bad Romance” in October last year. The track preceded her album The Fame Monster and was co-written by RedOne, who also produced the track. Lady Gaga hasn’t officially released any single since “Alejandro” in April.

Read other Lady Gaga blog posts.

UPDATE. The Demonstration has been in the studio all weekend tracking vocals. According to the MySpace web-site: “We should be totally done tracking in the next couple weeks and once the mix is done we’ll have new music for yall to bang your fucking heads to. Stretch your neck muscles and get ready for the sickness. We’re workin on getting a new layout done as well.”

Let’s see if The Demonstration makes a cover of “Born This Way As Well.”

Watch the live version of the track!
