True Blood Premieres This Sunday

CHART REFLECTION. Safe to say, you won’t get any True Blood spoilers via WelcheMusic. One thing you can be sure of is that Jace Everett will return to the new season of the series premiering on HBO this Sunday at 8pm. A True Blood cast starring Evan Rachel Wood, Anna Paquin and the Swedish hunk Alexander Skarsgård (yes, we’re so proud of him in this country!), the hit show has grown to become one of the most popular series around.


Jace Everett actually issued “Bad Things” back in 2005 and nada happened. Upon the re-release, the track made it to No.2 in Norway (!) and found its way to the singles tally (albeit a meager No.30 position). We love it anyways and also embrace the rumours that there will be witches in the new season. No spoilers, well we blame it on our friends at who writes more about the upcoming premiere.

Listen to the music from the series via Spotify: