Loreen is a Global Twitter Success


Yesterday, I wrote about how the odds favor Loreen’s ‘Euphoria’ in tonight’s final. Today, Svenska Dagbladet announces another study saying that ‘Euphoria’ is entry receiving most emotionally positive tweets.

Sweden’s fascination with the Eurovision Contest was recently covered in an article on CNN and DN concludes that it’s our equivalent to Superbowl.

A quick search on HMV’s online store and it appears as if ‘Euphoria’ is still shy of a UK release. ESC entries aren’t the typical UK singles hits, yet Gavagai’s research shows that 25 percent of all positive tweets about Loreen is originated from the UK.

“It’s a sure thing. Sweden is the greatest favorite and an obvious winner in tonight’s ESC final,” Magnus Sahlgren, Head of Research at Gavagai (a company originated from Swedish Institute of Computer Science). For many weeks, Loreen has been a favorite across Europe, an exceptional position that was reinforced during the semi final this Thursday. When Loreen entered the stage in Baku, the measuring instruments went to the roof and Sweden became the country that was exceptional as Gavagai analyzed all tweets about the ESC entries.

“These analyses are referred to as ‘social media monitoring.’ In this case, we register the occurrence of positive tweets correlated to artist from around the world. There is no question that Loreen has most positive tweets,” Magnus Sahlgren says to Svenska Dagbladet.

In line with Google Insights for Search, results are weighed as not to give countries with may Twitter accounts more influence on the results. Expect a ‘Twitter euphoria’ to explode when Loreen enters the stage at 22.00 tonight as she’s No.17 in the final.

Former ESC entrant Malena Ernman represented Sweden in Moscow back in 2009. She claims that being a favorite is purely positive. “The hardest part is the very moment you’re on stage competing, but as a favorite you do not have as much to conquer,” she says. On a less positive note, you will be the centre of attention for tough questions. Malena Ernman’s support for gay rights in Russia led to threats during the competition.


Ett svar till ”Loreen is a Global Twitter Success”

  1. […] the back of Loreen’s Twitter success in an earlier blog post, Gavagi’s research showed a great interest in ‘Euphoria.’ Add to that, the 12-points verdict […]

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