Social Media Drove Beatles’s Sales Past 2m

2010 CHART REWIND. The Beatles had a great 2010, with sales passing 2m further to the availability on iTunes. WelcheMusic has recently covered this story, and would like to add that experts say that the launch was entirely driven by social media.

According to SearchEngineLand, many claim that search beats social media when it comes to product discovery, those rules don’t apply to The Beatles. The launch resulted in more than two million individual songs sold worldwide and 450,000 albums in the first week on Apple’s iTunes Music Store. The catalog was available from November 16th 2010.

Industry analyst Experian Hitwise has provided the stats below, showing how online traffic surrounding The Beatles on iTunes. Upon the release on iTunes (16/11), UK traffic to came from social media, about double the amount that came from search.

Another important source was Facebook, which resulted in a “huge spike” in UK Traffic to the Apple site. It jumped from 86-20 on the most popular outbound destinations from Facebook.

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