Swede Rescues Alexey from Fiasco

Alexey Vorobyov

CHART SPOTLIGHT. According to the leading Swedish news daily Aftonbladet, the song coach Kishti Tomita rescues Russia from fiasco in the Eurovision Song Contest.

The 23 year-old Alexey Vorobyov or Sparrow is a well-known movie star and artist in his native Russia. To WelcheMusic readers, he’s best known for being a potent threat to our own Eric Saade.

As, we’ve previously reported that the Vorobyov entry is written and produced by RedOne of Lady Gaga fame.

Alexey Vorobyov’s Team Nervous

Kishti Tomita, a previous juror on Idol in Sweden, will replace the backing singer Britta Bergström who unfortunately got urgent back pains only days before the contest. Kishti Tomita quickly needed to learn the routine and was able to attend rehearsals yesterday. Referred internally as “the heroine,” Kishti might well be the reason for Russia making the finals tomorrow evening.

The blog Music is the Door to the Soul refers to Vorobyov as the “Russian counterpart to Justin Bieber,” adding that his vocal abilities are far from impressive. Oikotimes published an interview with the Russian ESC star earlier this year.

Read more about Alexey Vorobyov:


Ett svar till ”Swede Rescues Alexey from Fiasco”

  1. […] year back, we followed Eric Saade’s adventures in Germany and the feud with Russian singer Alexey Vorobyov. As Svenska Dagbladet reports, little more than a Swedish victory tops Saade’s […]

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