Why Dana International Missed the Final

CHART REFLECTION. Unfortunately, Dana International missed out on tonight’s final as “Ding Dong” was eliminated at Thursday’s semi-final. Looking back at Dana International’s 1998 winner “Diva,” WelcheMusic’s research reveals just how the points were allotted back then. The singer got her highest scores (10’s or 12’s) from countries that either competed in this year’s first semi-final or qualified directly. Therefore, none of those fans were allowed to vote on Thursday.

Alex Sparrow Vs. Eric Saade – The Fight Continues

CHART SPOTLIGHT. The Russian ESC star Alex Vorobyov, or Alex Sparrow which he calls himself continues to heavily criticize Eric Saade. Pointing out that Saade sang playback at the show, Sparrow compares it to hara-kiri, according to leading news daily Aftonbladet.

Eric Saade’s Scandalous Russian Visit

CHART SPOTLIGHT. According to the Swedish news daily Aftonbladet, Russian ESC entry Alexey Vorobyov accuses Eric Saade of plagiarism. An appearance on a Russian TV show was also cancelled. The 20-year old Swede is currently in Russia to promote “Popular.” The single returns to No.1 on the Swedish singles tally this week, knocking Jennifer Lopez off the top.

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